快乐元宵节 正月十五是一年一度的元宵节,在这喜气洋洋,灯火通明的狂欢节里,人们都要放鞭炮,迎龙灯,好好庆祝一番。 夜幕降临了,人们开始在大街小巷里迎龙灯。龙灯有长有短,可都装扮得十分漂亮,它们在小城街道上穿梭,爆竹声此起彼伏,响彻整个夜空,代表了人们在新的一年里的美好愿望。烟花如火箭般地飞上天空,在空中形成了各式各样的图案,有的好似一朵婀娜多姿的迎春花绽开笑脸;有的又如一群快乐的小朋友在草地上追逐玩耍;还有的像满天星,闪闪烁烁,虚无缥缈…… 最抢眼的还是要数孔明灯了,它们在夜空中随处可见。每盏灯代表着希望与梦想,带着人们的祝愿与祈福,在蓝天中摇曳。它们飞越千山万水,把风调雨顺,五谷丰登的期盼带给远方的人们。 元宵节的月亮也格外地明亮,晚会的节目也精彩纷呈。今年的元宵节真是热闹非凡,明年的元宵节我一定要亲手迎龙灯,给元宵节增添一片生机。
I've been to many cities.The city of Shanghai has left me a deep impression.Bustling Nanjing Road scenic Bund,Asian,Oriental Pearl TV Tower,and I will never forget.
Shanghai Museum of well-known ancient Chinese Museum of Art,which was built in 1952.The museum houses tens of thousands of pieces of bronzes,ceramics,calligraphy,paintings,coins.Here you can learn the history of the development of ancient China.
You want to experience the power of volcanoes and earthquakes,and want to go to the tropical rainforest,and then to the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum!Shanghai Science and Technology Museum is very fond of children,where you can learn a lot of scientific and technological knowledge.
Do you want to see a panoramic view of Shanghai,quickly boarded the Oriental Pearl TV Tower!Take the elevator speed of 7 meters per second,quickly take you to the main sightseeing layer of 263 m sphere.Bow looked billowing Huangpu River,a section of the ship in the swimming the distant skyscrapers aspect Avenue,busy with one of the downtown scene.
Every time when after nightfall,Shanghai has become a sea of lights.Neon colorful,dazzling.The streets on both sides of the street lamps like those many glowing Pearl Shanghai dress was gorgeous.
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