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2022-01-30 17:19:19 暂无评论 186 美文美句 例句   流行语   英语

1. Ample food and clothing by working with our own hands. 自己动手,丰衣足食。 Fashion and pomp ruined more ample sums. 时髦和浮夸需要更多的钱。 2. Unable to validate your selection. 无法确认你的选择.3. People seek to be mature on the job and are capable of being so. 人寻求对工作的熟练性,并且有充分能力能够做到。4. See that you are careful with money and work to a budget. 注意不要乱花钱,用钱要有个预算。 5. Working in an all-round way while emphasizing key points. 全面展开,突出重点。 6. While you all do things elegantly, I do things crudely. 好吧,你们都是来“雅”的,我来点儿“俗”的。 7. I emptied the suitcase, feeling spent. 我把衣箱掏空了,觉得精疲力.8. In the world of doublespeak, dying is terminal living. 在暧昧的语言世界中,死亡就是结束生命。 9. Equal pay for equal work is valid. 同工同酬是正当的。 10. In brief,the matter stands thus. 简单地说,事情是这样的。

好好复习啊 早上起床背一遍 中午背一遍 晚上睡觉的时候再背一遍 连续下去 就别回了啊!!!
