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英文经典阅读文章 英文经典阅读文章有哪些

2023-06-27 10:06:22 暂无评论 0 美文欣赏




The Passionate Shepherd to His Love


  Christopher Marlowe


  Come live with me and be my love, And we will all the pleasures prove That valleys, groves, hills,and field, Woods, or steepy mountain yields.

  来吧,做我的爱人和我一起生活, 这里的一切将使我们快乐无比: 溪谷、丛林、田野都有提供, 平川、丘陵、高山都有奉送。

  And we will sit upon the rocks, Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks, By shallow rivers towhose falls Melodious birds sing madrigals.

  我们将倚坐在山岩上, 观看牧羊人喂养羊群, 在小溪边听流水潺潺, 听鸟儿和着水声欢唱。

  And I will make thee beds of roses And a thousand fragrant posies, A cap of flowers, and akirtle Embroidered all with leaves of myrtle;

  我将用玫瑰为你做床, 采用千朵芬芳的花束点缀, 再织条花裙,编顶花冠, 裙上绣满爱神木的叶瓣。

  A gown made of the finest wool Which from our pretty lambs we pull; Fair lined slippers for thecold, With buckles of the purest gold;

  我要用的羊毛为你织一件长袍, 羊毛剪自我们可爱的羔羊, 再做一双有衬里的御寒拖鞋, 用纯金做鞋扣。

  A belt of straw and ivy buds, With coral clasps and amber studs: And if these pleasures maythee move, Come live with me and be my love.

  还要用麦杆和长春藤芽编条束带, 用珊瑚做环扣,用琥珀做饰钮。 假如这些快乐能打动你的心, 来吧,做我的爱人和我一起生活。

  The shepherds' swains shall sing and dance For thy delight each May morning: If these delightsthy mind may move, Then live with me and be my love.

  牧童们在五月的每个清晨, 都将为你纵情舞蹈,高歌入云; 假如这些快乐能打动你的心, 来吧,做我的爱人和我一起生活。




1. Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet


2. Austen: Pride and Prejudice


3. Orwell: Animal Farm


4. Dickens: Great Expectations


5. Golding: Lord of the Flies




1.木偶奇遇记- The Adventures of Pinocchio

2.小王子- The Little Prince

3.爱丽丝漫游奇境 -Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

4.白雪公主 -Little Snow-white

5.灰姑娘 -Cinderella

6.小红帽- Hoodwinked

7.拇指姑娘 -Thumbelina

8.玫瑰花精 -The Rose—Elf

9.夜莺 -The Nightingale

10.丑小鸭 -The Ugly Duckling


找回刚才阅读的文章 ,可以去历史游览里面查看 ,每一个网站都有一个历史记忆功能 ,就是我们之前所查看过的资料 ,或者视频都会有所记录 ,但是它所显示是最近浏览过的记录 。

时间太久的是无法查看到的,我们在小说app里面 ,直接就可以在里面看得到。











1、Get hit one thing, think of a way to do it well。

2、As long as the road is right, is not afraid of the road。

3、Words more than words less, less than good。

4、Do the right thing than to do the right thing。

5、Life does not believe in tears, tears are not weak。

6、Don't cry for it's over, smile for it。

7、Love is life, guardian angel。

8、Only to be thoroughly tempered, good steel。

9、Without music, life is a kind of regret, no love, life is a waste。

10、If you want to climb the peak, do not regard as the rainbow。。

11、If the talent to the sword, so hard is the grindstone。

12、People are not afraid to walk in the night, not afraid of sunshine heart。

13、The nature of the earth would not not groundless talk, chunhua

14、A true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart。

15、Saplings if Patong and refused to trim, you will never grow。


  The story is end. but i have an English version from the internet . it looks so strange.i thought there're some problems with it , but i can't tell . please help me!!!! thanks a bunch!!!!

  The dramatis personae of this story was a boy in a gutter of San Francisco .Becuase of cacotrophia,he got sick with his leg.He couldn't stand with his leg straight.And his calf was even worse shrink.but in his little soul, he got a dream only be belived by himself-he would become an all-powerful player ofAmerican Football.

  he was a fan of Jim brown ,a good football player.when jim's team ,Browns was in match with 49's of San-Francisco ,he always went to the court to cheer his god.

  but because he was too pool to buy a ticket for the match ,so he had to wait to the almost end of the match .At this time , he could get in through the gate the missionary had open.

  at his age of 13,he got a face-to-face chance to meet his god in an ice-cream shop.that is after a match between 49's and Browns.he has been hoping for this time for a long long time .he went to his god in good taste ,then said loudly:"Mr.Brown, I'm your loyalest fan !"

  jim brown saidthank you with pleased .then this boy said :"mr.brown , did you know a thing?"

  jim turned round and said :"boy, what thing?"

  the boy said coolly:"i remember all the recorded that you created,all the embattle that you did. "

  jim brown laugh and said:"that's not easy."

  at this moment , the boy throwed a chest,there're some rays of light in his eyes.then he said with full confidence:"mr.brown ,i will break every recorded you've created someday."

  the good football player listened all his words and said with a smile:"what a manner of speaking! what's your name,kid?"

  the boy said great:"mr brown , i'm o j."

  since this talking ,o j really did as what he said-he broke every recorded jim brown had created,and created even more recorded


