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求一篇英语立志小短文 带翻译

2022-05-11 07:01:33 暂无评论 289 美文欣赏 英语   短文   立志

A buddhist temple, he entered a bow down before kuan Yin one side that his knees, it is a personal grow and goddess.
He cannot help but ask: you how so like avalokitesvara?
I am guanyin. The man replied.
He wondered: since you are, that you why avalokitesvara worship?
Because I had a very difficult thing, the view sound smiled. but I know, heaven hel those who help themselves.
Truth: mortals are mortal, it might be because of something like, but cannot be guanyin guanyin, because it is only about to ask yourself!


有一位佛教信徒走进一座庙里,他在观音像面前跪拜,发现自己身边有一个人也跪在那里,那 个人长得和观音一模一样。
