As one of the most popular animated series for kids, “Dora the Explorer” has won the hearts of countless children all around the world. The show is not only entertaining, but also educational, as it teaches kids about different cultures and languages. To celebrate this iconic show, I will be sharing some of the classic Dora the Explorer quotes in English.
1: “¡Hola, soy Dora!” (“Hi, I’m Dora!”): This is the famous catchphrase of Dora, which she uses to introduce herself in every episode.
2: “Swiper, no swiping!”: This is Dora’s way of warning the swiping fox, Swiper, not to steal any of the treasures they find during their adventures.
3: “We did it! Lo hicimos!”: This is what Dora and her friends say when they successfully complete a task or solve a problem. The phrase is always said in both English and Spanish to reinforce language learning.
4: “Come on, vámonos!”: This is Dora’s way of encouraging her friends to move along and not give up.
5: “I’m the map, I’m the map, I’m the map!”: This is the signature song of the map, who plays an important role in navigation during each adventure.
6: “Gracias, thank you!”: Dora always says “thank you” in both English and Spanish, reinforcing the importance of gratitude and language learning.
These classic quotes not only bring back memories for adults who watched the show as kids, but also continue to entertain and educate a new generation of children today. Dora the Explorer remains a timeless classic that teaches important life lessons and values in a fun, engaging way.