There are many ways of traveling such as by plane, by train, by ship, by bus.And people can choose any of ways of traveling if they like.To me, the best way of traveling on a summer vacation is to go on foot.
My preference depends on the purpose of the travel. On a summer vacation I travel to refresh myself and to see the countryside. When I use my feet and walk on a grass covered path along a river or among the hills I feel detached from the noise of the city and closer to the nature. And when I travel on foot I get more freedom. I can plan my own schedule. I can choose my own route. I can stop where I like. And I can see things and people that I might miss if I travel on a train or on a bus.
When faster and more convenient ways for travel are becoming available, I still favor using my own feet. I get much pleasure from it. People travel by plane, by train, by ship, by bus. To me, the best way of traveling on a summer vacation is to go on foot.
下面是我以前写的一首小诗,感觉完全符合你的要求, 希望可以帮到你: 梦 旅程 我想背起行囊, 乘着梦想的翅膀, 走遍每一个美丽的地方。 爱琴海的海水抚慰特洛伊的忧伤, 薰衣草为普罗旺斯谱写浪漫的篇章, 古罗马竞技场交织着骑士的荣耀与辉煌, 贡多拉摇曳着威尼斯千百年的历史与风光。 我站在维多利亚港边, 拥抱奢华的香港。 我走在狭窄的小道上, 融入古朴的丽江。 我想站在圆明园的废墟中, 缅怀过去的重创, 我想站在101的塔顶上, 展望未来的辉煌。 我想听老人们讲述古老的传说, 我想听孩子们演唱动听的歌谣。 我要把旅程中美好的点点滴滴, 埋在心底永远收藏。 这首诗中包含了我的旅游经历,也例举了我向往的圣地。