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2021-05-28 10:00:12 暂无评论 散文精选 英语   英文   赏析

  Sometimes it takes adverse conditions
  for people to reach out to one another
  Sometimes it takes bad luck
  for people to understand their goals better
  Sometimes it takes a storm
  for people to appreciate the calm
  Sometimes it takes being hurt
  for people to be more sensitive to feelings
  Sometimes it takes doubt
  for people to trust one another
  Sometimes it takes seclusion
  for people to find out who they really are
  Sometimes it takes disillusionment
  for people to become informed
  Sometimes it takes feeling nothing
  for people to feel everything
  Sometimes it takes ou... what it means,这段经历对后期发展所造成的影响重要性应该得到高度的重视,and the choices of knowledge, but of aspiration,从一个岗位跳到另一个岗位,the apprenticeship and the actual dealing with a task or an art,他能接触到什么样的知识,每个工作者的背后都是个实实在在的个人.
  It is as natural for ardent and courageous youth to wish to know what is in life, the perception of the richness of life.

  从准备到投身工作,从这个知识领域转到那个知识领域, in fact:可可英语    
  Between the preparation and the work,很多人都要面临这段犹豫徘徊的时期, and activity which are offered him。
  徘徊时期不是胸无大志的表现.Behind every real worker in the world is a real man, and what it holds for its children, power,他的权利范围有多大以及他能从事什么活动,都使这段时期成为整个青年时期最重要的一刻, there comes the year of wandering.In the education of many men and women, therefore,即个性形成的基础,and the consciousness of the possession of the power to master and use that wealth。

  要一样, in the experience of many young men,事实上这段时间正是年轻人得到充分自由发展的时期,所以有时候他可能造成某种伤害.There are times when agitation is as normal as is self-control at other and less critical times。这段时期经常遭到误解[美文欣赏]
  Sometimes it takes adverse conditions
  for people to reach out to one another
  Sometimes it takes bad luck
  for people to understand their goals better
  Sometimes it takes a storm
  for people to appreciate the calm
  Sometimes it takes being hurt
  for people to be more sensitive to feelings
  Sometimes it takes doubt
  for people to trust one another
  Sometimes it takes seclusion
  for people to find out who they really are
  Sometimes it takes disillusionment
  for people to become informed
  Sometimes it takes feeling nothing
  for people to feel everything
  Sometimes it takes our emotions and feelings to be completely penetrated
  for people to open up to love
  I have gone through many of these things
  and I now know that
  not only am I ready to
  love you
  but I do


  将一个人塑造成强者各种力量, a period rich in full and free development。在这一青春烂漫的季节。这一时期拥有的种种机遇是此后任何时候都无法提供的, because it affects the moral foundations upon which character rests;the experience of traveling from knowledge to knowledge and from occupation to occupation,从学徒到某一项技能或艺术的真正的实践过程之间,以及对拥有掌握和利用这笔财富的能力的觉醒,when it is,对富足生活的感悟,但有时焦虑也是正常的,a period of uncertainty and wandering which is often misunderstood and counted as time wasted,and that in its ferment and uncertainty youth is often guided to and finally prepared for its task,而恰恰是雄心壮志的表现,—a moment richer in possibilities of all kinds than comes at any later period。这种摩擦会影响人的道德信念。鉴于此.
  The forces which go to the making of a powerful man can rarely be adjusted and blended without some disturbance of relations and conditions.The year of wandering is not a manifestation of aimlessness,没有经过与他人和环境之间的摩擦.This disturbance is sometimes injurious。因此, create a critical moment in the history of youth,每个人都有权了解他得在什么样的条件下生存。这个世界上,as for a child to reach for and search the things that surround and attract it,自我控制是正常表现,很多你年轻人都要经历一段充满疑惑徘徊的时期.The birth of the imagination and of the passions.
  Agitation and ferment of soul are inevitable in that wonderful moment;and for this reason the significance of the experience in its relation to development ought to be sympathetically studied, and a man has a right to know the conditions under which he must live,被认为是浪费时间:徘徊的岁月The Year of Wandering
2011-05-13   来源,是很难整合在一起的,there comes。年轻人正是在这一时期的骚动不安中明确人生的方向并为人生使命的实现做好了最后的准备。想象力和激情的萌芽。生命中某些不太关键的时候
