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2022-10-20 15:48:31 暂无评论 249 散文精选 徐志摩   英文版   诗歌

Being a cloud in the sky
On your heart lake I cast my figure.
You don\'t have to wonder.
Nor should you cheer--
In an instant I will disappear.

On the dark sea we encounter
In different directions of our own we steer.
It\'s nice for you to remember.
But you\'d better forget the luster
That we\'ve been devoted to each other.


沙扬娜拉》 最是那一低头的温柔, 象一朵水莲花 不胜凉风的娇羞, 道一声珍重,道一声珍重, 那一声珍重里有蜜甜的忧愁—— 沙扬娜拉! 作者抓住最富有日本女性特点的温柔娇羞的神态来描画,表现了对日本女郎的由衷赞美 写于1924年5月陪泰戈尔访日期间。这是长诗《沙扬娜拉十八首》中的最后一 首。沙扬娜拉,日语“再见”的音译。 详细内容可以看看 参考资料:《沙扬娜拉》(徐志摩)鉴赏 ······································ 说行天下 是非常不错的小说网站大全,值得拥有。


再别康桥 英文版

Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again --- by Xu Zhimo

Very quietly I take my leave
As quietly as I came here;
Quietly I wave good-bye
To the rosy clouds in the western sky.

The golden willows by the riverside
Are young brides in the setting sun;
Their reflections on the shimmering waves
Always linger in the depth of my heart.

The floatingheart growing in the sludge
Sways leisurely under the water;
In the gentle waves of Cambridge
I would be a water plant!

That pool under the shade of elm trees
Holds not water but the rainbow from the sky;
Shattered to pieces among the duckweeds
Is the sediment of a rainbow-like dream?

To seek a dream? Just to pole a boat upstream
To where the green grass is more verdant;
Or to have the boat fully loaded with starlight
And sing aloud in the splendour of starlight.

But I cannot sing aloud
Quietness is my farewell music;
Even summer insects heap silence for me
Silent is Cambridge tonight!

Very quietly I take my leave
As quietly as I came here;
Gently I flick my sleeves
Not even a wisp of cloud will I bring away
November 6,1928
