你好,我是【gnnti6926】,很高兴为你解答。I see the light, touch the light 我已经得到了我所寻找的光明 We're together now 我们终于站在一起了Look to the skies, give me life 天空使我重生了 Hypnotized by drums 我们沉迷于鼓点的节奏中 Until forever comes 直到永恒来临之际 You'll find us chasing the sun 你会发现我们正在追逐光明They said this day wouldn't come 他们说这一天不会到来 We refused to run 于是停下了脚步 We've only just begun 这只是开始 But we can all agree that我们欣然接受Cause we come from everywhere我们来自四海八方We look perfect to me我们都是最适合彼此的更多专业的科普知识,欢迎关注我。如果喜欢我的回答,也请给我赞或转发,你们的鼓励,是支持我写下去的动力,谢谢大家。
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