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经典美文 古诗写物的表现手法?

1.修辞方法:比喻 拟人 借代 夸张 对比 用典 对偶 互文 双关 顶针 设问 反问 反语 通感 反复 排比 烘托
2.抒情方式:(1)直抒胸臆(2)间接抒情:即使抒情 借景抒情(情景交融 融情于景) 托……

经典美文 冰雪奇缘英文版中的经典语录?

1.Change mocks us with her beauty. – Olaf
2.When one can see no future, all one can do is the next right thing. – Pabbie

经典美文 远大前程英文版10句经典?

As the night was fast falling, and as the moon, being pastthe full, would not rise early, we held a little council1: a short one, forclearly our course was to l……