题目一:Nowadays more and more college students choose to take part-time jobs after class. Different people have different reasons for doing this. As far as I can see, most students want to make some money and gain some work experience at the same time. They can earn some money to buy what they want by dong part-time jobs. Also it makes them know what work is and gives them a chance to learn about the real society. It's a wonderful chance for them to meet more people and expand their circle of friends. Their experice in the work will be of great help in their full work in the future.But there are some students who are so busy in doing part-time jobs so as to forget their study. It's really dangerous and unwise. Only by dealing with the relationships of study and taking part-time jobs well, can they benefit a lot.
we live in this world when we love it.
the bird-song is the echo of the morning light back from the earth.
the dim silence of my mind seems filled with crickets'chirp
the grey twilight of sound.
in heart's perspective the distance looms large.
the night's silence,like a deep lamp ,is burning with the light of its milky way.
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